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F800GS - Relación de transmision

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F800GS - Relación de transmision Empty F800GS - Relación de transmision

Mensaje  DiegoEO 14/12/2015, 08:28

Estimados, busque con el buscador ( What a Face ) y no encontré, consulto, alguien le cambio la relación a las F800GS? Que tal fue la experiencia?



Cantidad de envíos : 33
Puntos : 3338
Fecha de inscripción : 01/11/2015
Edad : 49

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F800GS - Relación de transmision Empty Re: F800GS - Relación de transmision

Mensaje  Edum 15/12/2015, 12:39

aca te pego un comentario en google
si necesitas lo traducimos. en este caso puso 15 . vos pensabas para abajo o para arriba ?

en todo caso te pongo un par q encuentre

Hi Dave,
I changed to a 15 front some time ago and like you, we (wife and I and others) do a lot of dirt riding and the difference the 1 tooth made to the ability to rdie the bike easier (for a 207kg bike) in the dirt and technical stuff far outweighed any fuel consumption figures.
I found the acceleration in 6th gear is far better for us now, but our speed limit is only 100 - 110 kmh. The ability to just blast past a tintop on open road without having to change down to 5th or even 4th to get past quickly is not longer an issue.
I find that i am constantly riding in 4th and even 5th gear on 4WD tracks and using the engines low RPM torque to smooth out the ride. It is amazing how much low end this engine really has. Where as before I was riding in lower gears and the slightest throttle twist would have the TKC break traction, I can now just ease the throttle open and attack the snotty stuff without losing momentum through wheel spin. Of course the lower 1st gear is great for just crawling when required without slipping the clutch to much.
Downer for me...
One thing I have found with my bike is that the clutch will grab if slipped too much. I have duplicated this many times and dont know why it happens, but if I'm slipping the clutch to get traction on very loose steep terrain the clutch will suddenly grap and stall the engine. Not good.

Anyway put me down for a +1 on the 15 tooth front. I like it.
That doesn't mean that I dont wish BMW had made the gear ratios different though, but we use what we have.

Cheers from downunder..Very Happy

I went one tooth up on the front and one down on the back. 4K RPM stock equals 55 MPH now 4K is close to 70 MPH. Just completed the Great Divide ride Mexico to Canada, 2792 miles 90 percent off road. Was in second gear most of the time. Bike was loaded with tent, cooking and sleep gear. Bike has plenty power, could break rear tire loose any time with quick throttle. Highly recommend one up in front and one down in back. Did not have to change chain adjustment with this combo......David F.


Lucky --
I just installed a Tourtech 16T front sprocket on my F650GS. No big change. A bit better at low speeds and a little more snap with 3rd or 4th gear roll-on's from say, 50 mph (passing) and not much of a hit on the top (was 70mph at 4000rpm in 6th with the 17T, now 65mph at 4000rpm in 6th with the 16T). No need to change the chain. Does it increase the strain on the chain? Well, it's throwing a little more torque at the rear wheel so I guess yes... But,,, it is a 525 chain so probably no problems ever (it works ok for the F800GS with 16/42 sprockets and more HP).

If you really want to slog around in the lower gears in the rough stuff the Tourtech 15T might be the way to go. I wouldn't bother changing the rear sprocket to a 42T as it would make very little difference (a one tooth change down on the front is roughly equal to a three tooth change up on the rear (16/41 ~= 17/44)). The stock chain may be too long for a 15T CS sprocket... I don't know.

So, if you're not spending all your time at high speed on the freeway then I'd say go for for the 16T CS sprocket (or maybe a 15T.)

Tourtech also sells "S" versions of their CS sprockets for more $'s. Save your money and get the regular sprocket.

Hi Dave,
I changed to a 15 front some time ago and like you, we (wife and I and others) do a lot of dirt riding and the difference the 1 tooth made to the ability to rdie the bike easier (for a 207kg bike) in the dirt and technical stuff far outweighed any fuel consumption figures.
I found the acceleration in 6th gear is far better for us now, but our speed limit is only 100 - 110 kmh. The ability to just blast past a tintop on open road without having to change down to 5th or even 4th to get past quickly is not longer an issue.
I find that i am constantly riding in 4th and even 5th gear on 4WD tracks and using the engines low RPM torque to smooth out the ride. It is amazing how much low end this engine really has. Where as before I was riding in lower gears and the slightest throttle twist would have the TKC break traction, I can now just ease the throttle open and attack the snotty stuff without losing momentum through wheel spin. Of course the lower 1st gear is great for just crawling when required without slipping the clutch to much.
Downer for me...
One thing I have found with my bike is that the clutch will grab if slipped too much. I have duplicated this many times and dont know why it happens, but if I'm slipping the clutch to get traction on very loose steep terrain the clutch will suddenly grap and stall the engine. Not good.

Anyway put me down for a +1 on the 15 tooth front. I like it.
That doesn't mean that I dont wish BMW had made the gear ratios different though, but we use what we have.

Cheers from downunder..Very Happy

otro q fue a 15 y muy conforme
I dropped to a 15 tooth c/s a couple of weeks ago and am really liking the change overall. I'm surprised the bike didn't come this way from the factory. The 'slightly' higher RPM aren't noticeable at the speeds I typically travel at (90-100kph) but the ease of control at low speed is really improved. I had thought it may become even more snatchy, but ironically it has been the opposite. I can only assume because there is less movement of the wheels per throttle degree now. Whatever the reason, I like it. Fuel economy had not suffered in my case either.

Cantidad de envíos : 4052
Puntos : 14251
Fecha de inscripción : 02/06/2009
Edad : 63

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F800GS - Relación de transmision Empty Re: F800GS - Relación de transmision

Mensaje  DiegoEO 16/12/2015, 14:27

Gracias, por ahora sin problemas en ese idioma, ahora si fuese aleman te lo debo.

La idea es ir para arriba y seguir conduciendo a la misma velocidad pero a menos vueltas


Cantidad de envíos : 33
Puntos : 3338
Fecha de inscripción : 01/11/2015
Edad : 49

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F800GS - Relación de transmision Empty Re: F800GS - Relación de transmision

Mensaje  Edum 16/12/2015, 14:53

mira diego
yo lo probe en el klr..
bajaba en alta aprox 350 rpm.. cosa que es muy piola en un viaje en ruta.
pero abajo tenia algo menos de salida, logicamente
tal vez con la poleta y la salida de la 800 ni lo sientas
de todos modos es un cambio reversible y de unos pocos dolares si la compras afuera, no perdes nada con probarla
claro esta te quedara mas tranquila de abajo y en ripio....pero todo va en como te guste manejar.. hay gente q le pone una menos para que se levante facil en ripio..

Cantidad de envíos : 4052
Puntos : 14251
Fecha de inscripción : 02/06/2009
Edad : 63

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F800GS - Relación de transmision Empty Re: F800GS - Relación de transmision

Mensaje  RODAR 16/12/2015, 21:57

hola tengo un amigo que le cambio el piñon, en principio barbaro con un diente mas bajo 800 vueltas de motor pero se le estira la cadena constantemente termino poniendo el piñon original como Dios manda ,o bmw en este caso jajaja

Cantidad de envíos : 40
Puntos : 3874
Fecha de inscripción : 11/05/2014

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F800GS - Relación de transmision Empty Re: F800GS - Relación de transmision

Mensaje  DiegoEO 17/12/2015, 08:28


Les cuento, para mi es nueva esta moto acá, yo había usado una igual en Italia y para mi en alta tenia menos vueltas, se me ocurría que según el destino de la moto le cambian cosas como puede ser la transmisión, acc., etc.

La verdad es que bajarle unas 500 vueltas para la ruta, la haria mucho mas serena y placentera, claro que nada es gratis, y no me refiero a $, si no a prestaciones en la condición opuesta.

Como dice Edum, considerando el valor en $ y que es un trabajito de fin de semana para quien se da ma#a, no estaría mal probar y de ultima volver al original.



Cantidad de envíos : 33
Puntos : 3338
Fecha de inscripción : 01/11/2015
Edad : 49

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F800GS - Relación de transmision Empty Re: F800GS - Relación de transmision

Mensaje  adv12 17/12/2015, 08:48

que raro eso de la cadena amigo rodar..
sera asi o le pareceria ? por que no le veo ninguna causa mecanica para que se estire, es mas podria parecerme logico al cambiar por una relacion menor en donde el motor tira en toda marcha con mas fuerza, pero en este caso la fuerza es menor, tal es asi que va a un regimen menor de rpm-.
pero vaya a saber, solo me resulta raro eso

Cantidad de envíos : 227
Puntos : 3629
Fecha de inscripción : 14/08/2015

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F800GS - Relación de transmision Empty Re: F800GS - Relación de transmision

Mensaje  MAXI 17/12/2015, 20:25

Buenas, yo en el cambio del kit de transmicion, de mi GS800,  le puse un piñon con 1 diente mas, baje aprox 500 vueltas a 140 km/h.
No note mejora en el consumo de combustible, pero si en la vibracion de la misma.
Por otro lado tampoco siento perdida de aceleracion, pero si se estiraron los cambios considerablemente, lo que antes hacia en 2 ahora lo hago en 1 y asi sucesivamente.


Cantidad de envíos : 326
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Fecha de inscripción : 26/01/2011
Edad : 52

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F800GS - Relación de transmision Empty Re: F800GS - Relación de transmision

Mensaje  buceo 17/12/2015, 22:08

Buenas ,yo tuve 2 y lo primero que hice fue cambiarle el piñon ,un diente menos,recomendable ,ni se nota y mucho mas amable para la conduccion sobre todo con pasajero,solo te la bancas por que sabes cuando aceleras y esta agarrado del manubrio,mucho mejor a baja velocidad cuando ,pasar una barrera o vas con transito lento,Y lo de la cadena uhmm ,raro muy raro a mi no me pasa,saludos

Cantidad de envíos : 195
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Fecha de inscripción : 07/05/2013

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